Monica Merante, CAP®PresidentSenior Director, Philanthropic ServicesCentral New York Community Foundatione-mail Tim Bresnahan, JDVice PresidentVice President, Advancement & Philanthropic ServicesCommunity Foundation of Greater Atlantae-mail Loren Van Allen, CAP®TreasurerSenior Director of Donor RelationsThe Boston Foundation e-mail Pamela Doherty, CFRESecretarySenior Director of Gift PlanningThe San Francisco Foundatione-mail Eric Hozempa, CAP®Past PresidentExecutive DirectorLongmont Community Foundatione-mail Lottie FergusonBoard MemberVice President of Development and Donor ServicesCommunity Foundation Greater Flinte-mail Mike Nuno, CAP®Board MemberVice President of DevelopmentThe New York Community Truste-mail Maylian PakBoard MemberDirector of Donor RelationsOregon Community Foundatione-mail Molly Rand, CAP®Board MemberSenior Director, PhilanthropyThe Chicago Community Truste-mail Stephanie Sessa, CAP®Board MemberSenior Donor Relations OfficerAustin Community Foundatione-mail Kay Stine, CFREBoard MemberVice President for DevelopmentHampton Roads Community Foundatione-mail Katelyn VidetoBoard MemberDirector, Donor ServicesCommunity Foundation for Southeast Michigan e-mail Jeremy Wells, CFREBoard MemberSenior Vice President, Philanthropic ServicesSaint Paul & Minnesota Foundatione-mail