AdNet Mentor Program Closed; finger helping man climb ladder on wood background

Attention AdNet Members: The application submission deadline for the 2024 Mentor Cohort application process has passed. 

A new cohort will begin in 2025. Watch for updates and announcements.

The Advancement Network (AdNet) Mentor Partnership Program is designed to support and nurture sector professionals by pairing experienced staff and experts with those members who are new to the field, contemplating a career change, or seeking guidance.

Program Goals:

  • To provide an added benefit to attract and retain members.
  • To assist AdNet members in developing collegial relationships and establishing a professional network for support and guidance.
  • To strengthen knowledge and skills in philanthropy and fundraising best practices.
  • To develop and retain talent in the sector.
"I was so impressed by the person I mentored. Her passion for donor stewardship and engagement was evident by her questions and our discussions. She helped remind me of how valuable our work is and I think I learned as much as she did during our sessions."
Bob Eichinger
The Chicago Community Trust

2024 Cohort Key Dates:

Partners meet monthly: August – November

July 12: Selections and Matches Announced

July 24: Mentor/Mentee Orientation

October 18: Mentor/Mentee Group Check-in

November 22: Program Wraps

The response to AdNet’s Mentor Program has been extremely positive. Launched in 2022, AdNet’s amazing members have generously given their time and talent to strengthen our community, build new networks, and foster best practices. 

In 2023, our second cohort enjoyed a large number of mentor/mentee matches as a percentage of AdNet’s overall membership, reflecting the growing enthusiasm for the program. 

As we eagerly prepare for the 2024 cohort, we remain committed to accommodating all applicants. However, due to the program’s popularity, there may be instances where we reach capacity and need to implement a waitlist.

Mentee Commitment

  • Meet with your mentor for a minimum of one hour a month for four months by phone, Zoom, or in person.
  • Be respectful of all meeting dates and times.
  • Identify areas of focus to work on with your mentor.
  • Send questions or discussion topic(s) to mentor in advance of meeting.
  • Complete a program evaluation form at the end of the partnership.

Mentor Commitment

  • Commit to the role of mentor for a minimum of one hour for four months by meeting by phone, Zoom, or in person with your mentee. Mentors will be responsible for requesting and scheduling the meetings.
  • Be respectful of meeting dates and times.
  • Provide guidance, knowledge and support for your mentee to advance him/her/they professionally.
  • Assist your mentee in setting and achieving his/her/their professional goals.
  • Maintain confidentiality and establish trust with your mentee.
  • Complete a program evaluation form at the end of the partnership.

Mentor and Mentee Quotes

“My whole job is about building and sustaining relationships, and this was a fabulous chance to do that in a different way. I also broadened my knowledge of the community foundation field even through I was in the mentor role.”

“Incredible way to gain perspective from another CF leader and bring best practices back to our home CF.”

“I gained more knowledge than I could have imagined from my mentor.”

“You’ll get an amazing, experienced mentor and have opportunities to learn cool new trends and ideas.”

“I learned just as much from my mentee as I hope she did from me. It is and should be a mutually beneficial relationship.”

“It actually exceeded my expectations. My mentor and I had robust discussions on relevant topics for each of us.”

“Having some one-on-one time is valuable because we rarely have opportunities to engage in deep listening or have someone totally focused on our needs and concerns.”

Mentors and mentees must be a current AdNet member to participate in program.